Muscle Soreness: Understand, Preventing and Treatment | Strength Camp Maryland

Do you frequently experience muscle soreness after working out? Learn what muscle soreness is, how to prevent it, and how to treat it.
Andre Johnson
February 20, 2023
Muscle Soreness: Understand, Preventing and Treatment | Strength Camp Maryland

If you're a weightlifter, then you know the feeling of muscle soreness all too well. It's that achy, can't-move-your-arm-without-wincing pain that comes after an intense workout. But what exactly is muscle soreness, and how can you prevent it? In this blog post, we'll explore everything you need to know about muscle soreness so that you can stay lifted and pain-free. Let's get started!

What is muscle soreness and what causes it

Muscle soreness, also known as DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness), is a common side-effect experienced after strenuous physical activity. It is caused by microscopic tears in the muscle fibers, resulting from over-exertion and heavy loading of weight. As the body repairs these injuries, inflammation sets in which leads to stiffness and tenderness. This type of soreness is completely normal - it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve overdone your workout - and can last up to 72 hours before improvements can be noticed. To treat muscle soreness, regular stretching and foam rolling are recommended in order to help flush out any build-up of lactic acid in the muscles, as well as aiding circulation which will expedite recovery.

How to prevent muscle soreness

Keeping your body hydrated is essential to preventing muscle soreness, especially during strenuous exercise. Water or sports drinks can maintain electrolytes and fluid levels needed for physical activities. Hydration also helps the body to regulate temperature and get rid of waste products more effectively. Proper nutrition is also key to avoiding muscle soreness and supporting muscle growth. Consuming enough protein for muscles to repair and rebuild can help prevent soreness after a hard workout session, as well as maintain energy throughout intensive activities. Eating a balanced diet with whole grains, dairy and other nutrient dense foods will also provide vitamins and minerals that enable better recovery from exercise too.

Different treatments for muscle soreness

Experiencing sore muscles after a workout or a strenuous activity is practically inevitable. However, there are preventative treatments to help reduce muscle soreness as well as remedies that can be taken after the fact. For example, foam rolling and self-massage are great techniques to loosen up stiff muscles before and after physical activities. Hypertrophy specific training, which focuses on building certain muscle groups in order to prepare the body for sturdier workouts, can help avoid future injuries and stiffness. Supplements such as fish oil and tart cherry juice are also known to reduce inflammation and therefore alleviate soreness in the muscles. These treatments have been studied extensively to provide natural solutions for those experiencing moderate to severe muscle soreness.

When to see a doctor for muscle soreness

While there can be many causes of muscle soreness, it is important to recognize when the soreness might merit a visit to the doctor. If pain persists for more than 48 hours following exercise or muscle strain, it may be a sign of an injury that must be assessed by a medical professional. In addition, if physical activity leads to sudden and intense pain, this could also indicate a serious issue and should be checked out by a doctor. Furthermore, if redness or swelling appears near the site of soreness, this is another sign that medical attention should be sought after right away in order to prevent complications or further injury.

Tips for living with muscle soreness

Living with muscle soreness can be tough because it can make everyday activities difficult to complete. However, there are some useful tips that can help ease the pain and soreness. Stretching is always a good starting point in relieving muscle soreness. It is also important to get enough restful sleep every night to give muscles time to rejuvenate and recover. A hot bath or shower before bed will also keep muscles limber and relaxed. Finally, doing regular light exercises such as walking or yoga will keep the joints flexible and reduce muscle soreness over time. These simple steps should help anyone living with muscle soreness feel more comfortable on a daily basis.

In conclusion, muscle soreness is a common issue that can be caused by several different factors. However, there are many ways to prevent and treat muscle soreness. Most importantly don't let soreness stop you from becoming the strongest version of yourself.  

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